Children's Dental Care
Dental Treatment for your Child at Simkins Dental Care
- Dental treatment is free for your child until they are 18. (19 if in full time education).
- Whenever possible we will use tooth-coloured fillings.
- We will endeavour to see any child with toothache on the same day.
- We have dedicated after school clinics for your convenience.
- Overcrowded teeth? We will refer your child to a Specialist in Orthodontics.
- Our Dental professionals will offer tooth brush and oral hygiene instruction.
We recommend treatment should start at an early age
- Introduce your child to a daily dental care routine, so it will become the normal practice as they get older.
- Regular visits to see the dentist will help your child get used to the surroundings of the dental surgery and allow the dentist to spot any early signs of tooth decay.