Hygiene Services
Did you know that periodontal disease is the main cause of tooth loss in adults?
The benefits of visiting the Dental Hygienist
- Change red and inflamed gums to a healthy pink.
- Stop gums from bleeding when brushing.
- Prevent teeth from becoming mobile and drifting.
- Prevent unpleasant tastes and bad breath by the damaging bacteria in the mouth.
- Remove food and drink stains.
Treating and preventing periodontal disease
All our dental hygienists are specially trained in the prevention and treatment of gum (periodontal) disease.
- Detailed explanation of periodontal disease.
- Oral hygiene instruction.
- Removal of plaque and hard (calculus) deposits
- Discuss secondary factors that cause periodontal disease, for example smoking and diabetes.
- Discuss how periodontal disease could affect or complicate other health problems, for example heart disease.
- Regular maintenance visits every 3 – 6 months
Oral hygiene advice
- Demonstrate effective tooth brushing technique to remove plaque without causing tooth wear and receding gums.
- Discuss the latest oral hygiene products.
- Advice on the best aid to clean in between teeth.
Prevention of tooth decay (caries) and erosion
- Discuss in detail the reasons for tooth caries and erosion.
- Give dietary advice on how to reduce sugary and acidic food and drink.